Prime Video India unveiled an intriguing trailer for its much-anticipated Original movie, The Mehta Boys. The movie is directed by Boman Irani, who has co-written it alongside Academy Award winner Alex Dinelaris, and is produced by Boman Irani, Danesh Irani, Vikesh Bhutani, and Shujaat Saudagar under the banner of Irani Movietone LLP in association with Chalkboard Entertainment LLP. A heartfelt father-son story, the movie features a highly talented and versatile cast, featuring Boman Irani, , Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup in lead roles.

The Mehta Boys is set to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in India on February 7. About The Mehta Boys trailer The trailer for The Mehta Boys offers a heartfelt and emotionally charged glimpse into a story brimming with family conflict, vulnerability, and growth. The stellar performances of its cast shine through, in the trailer, capturing the raw, unfiltered dynamics of a father-son relationship strained by misunderstandings and unspoken emotions.

With its blend of light-hearted moments and intense emotional depth, the narrative unravels the imperfections of its characters, making them deeply relatable and authentic. This moving tale promises to explore the complexities of human connections, offering viewers of all ages, a story that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. Boman Irani on acting and directing “For me, The Mehta Boys is an extremely personal journey," said .

"The relationship between a father and son is one of the .