Youngsters in Bolton have celebrated their graduation in a cap and gown ceremony. Pupils aged five to 14 received awards for extra-curricular achievement in their schools' Children’s University on July 10. Bolton’s Children’s University is run by Canon Slade School, which took part in the ceremony with five other borough schools.

Children's University provides its students a "Passport to Learning" which they stamp whenever they complete an after-school activity like karate, chess club or football. Children posing with their awards after Children's University graduation (from left to right: Sathini Gunasekara, Yusuf Hamza, Lucas Higham, Jake O'Sullivan) (Image: Andrew Jackson) Special guests author Donavan Christopher and singer Livvy K handed out the awards. Andrew Jackson, maths teacher at Canon Slade School, said: “All the parents and staff were really proud of the children’s achievements.

" Children throwing their caps at Children's University graduation (Image: Andrew Jackson) Andrew said: “This is the 12th year in a row that this has been done. “We’re very pleased that it has been able to go on that long and we have a great partnership with the University of Bolton.".