Complaints have been made about the sticker policy on taxis licenced by a local authority in the Midlands which a lot of drivers in Bolton have used. Wolverhampton Council has more than 40,000 drivers licenced nationwide. And a significant number of these vehicles have been seen in Bolton.

Now concerns have been raised that the vehicles do not have to use a sticker displaying which company a taxi driver works for. Siraj Patel, from the Private Hire Taxi Union, has said why he believes this puts those licenced by Bolton at a disadvantage. He said: “We have to have stickers of the company we work for.

“This means we cannot get work for another company, you can’t turn up to a job with a sticker from one company and say you are working for another one. “It means someone from Wolverhampton can work for as many people as they like but we can only work for one company. “It is not fair.

” Cllr Sue Haworth, the executive member for licensing, said this issue would be raised with Wolverhampton Council. She said: “All Bolton private hire drivers know their licence conditions which say at that daily, licence plates need to be present and fixed and door stickers are to be displayed and both show the vehicle taxi number. “Vehicles have the operator the driver is working for displayed.

“The council is currently in contact with Wolverhampton licensing authority over door stickers. She added: “It looks like Wolverhampton are ending the use of magnetic plates or stickers as .