Rising Bollywood actor Sharvari is gearing up for her third consecutive high-profile release of 2024 with “ Vedaa .” Following her performances in horror-comedy “Munjya,” one of the biggest Bollywood hits of the year, and the Netflix ratings success , s o c i a l d r a m a “Maharaj,” “Vedaa” marks Sharvari’s first venture into action roles. In “Vedaa,” directed by Nikkhil Advani, Sharvari plays the titular character who fights against a repressive system with boxing as one of her weapons.

“I want to be known as someone who can do action very well and hopefully become an action star in due course of time,” Sharvari told Variety . “I’m willing to put everything on the line for it to happen. Action as a genre is too entertaining and gives a huge adrenaline rush for the actors and well as the audience.

‘Vedaa’ is the start to my journey in trying to be good at it.” Sharvari credits her “Vedaa” co-star John Abraham for mentoring her in action scenes. “Having the country’s biggest action superstar John Abraham was a game changer for me,” she said.

“He’s now my mentor in action on and off screen.” She recounted their training sessions in Jodhpur and Mumbai, highlighting Abraham’s commitment and patience in guiding her through her first action film experience. “I was a rookie to action films while filming ‘Vedaa,’ so the first day I was very confused with all this information thrown at me, I remember looking at John and sayi.