Bollywood sensation Salman Khan was spotted strolling in the Dubai Mall with high security on Thursday but that wasn’t the only thing he did during his recent visit to the UAE. From meeting a royal family member to attending a real estate event, the high-end Emirati circle was on a full Bollywood overload during the weekend. A part of Salman Khan’s Dubai trip was meeting HH Sheikha Jawaher Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa of Bahrain.

The royal-turned-businesswoman is known in the MENA community for tying her entrepreneurship with social work, thereby emphasizing the importance of giving back to the community, especially investing in youth and women empowerment initiatives. A photo circulating on social media captures Salman Khan posing alongside the Emirati royal: #SalmanKhan met HH Sheikha Jawaher Bint Khalifa..

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com/8Q0Gp3oVwY — Salman Khan Fan Club (@BSKFanClub) September 21, 2024 The Dabangg superstar also invited internet sensation Rashed Belhasa aka Moneykicks to his Dubai home. The young Emirati entrepreneur, who rose to fame for flaunting his shoe collection on social media, is currently dabbing into the professional ring of Boxing. In a photo shared on Moneykicks’ Instagram profile, Salman Khan can be seen draped in a 971 academy jersey, the football academy which is on the verge of joining the big leagues.

The jersey is said to be the first-ever edition to the collection of 971 Academy, which is gearing up to participate in the upcoming Dofa League. “L.