STORY: :: People in eastern Bolivia say they are worried about wildfires getting closer to this cathedral :: Concepcion, Bolivia :: The UNESCO World Heritage site is home to Baroque music manuscripts and Chiquitano art :: August 25, 2024 :: Adalid Ordonez Palachay, Parish priest, Concepcion Cathedral "In this area, we always risk fire reaching the beautiful churches that are a cultural heritage of the year 1700 and still preserve their style. Many of them were built of wood. That is why it is very prone to suffer a fire.

" Wildfires have been particularly intense in the soy-rich region of Santa Cruz over the last month, with 35 active fires consuming over 4.88 million acres (1.96 million hectares), according to the regional government.

Local media reports suggest the fires started because of the slash-and-burn agricultural technique, which involves clearing land for farming..