Actor Bobbi Salvör Menuez and artist Quori Theodor’s meet-cute moment came at a dinner with a group of mutual friends in 2018, when they were the only ones who “insisted on ordering dessert”—leading to their first “real date” on Coney Island soon afterward. The couple’s engagement, though, was a three-part saga. “I first proposed on an impulse over dinner at our neighborhood Thai spot, offering their great grandmother’s ring which I was already wearing,” says Bobbi of the shared token, a “mega ring” of six diamonds combined from inherited jewels.

“We would switch wearing it every couple of days.” There were many more custom jewels to come, though: Bobbi had plans to propose “in a more intentional, planned out way,” and reached out to their friend Evangeline Adalioryn about making a ring. “It was her first ring commission, but I knew she would make the perfect ring.

” They chose a horizontal set baguette cut deep garnet, “and the twists and curls of the gold felt both connected to the claws of a crab—Quori’s a Cancer—and the horns of a bull—I’m a Taurus.” Bobbi picked the morning of a full moon to pop the question while the couple was visiting Gabriola Island in British Columbia, the first place outside of New York where they’d spent time together as they were falling in love. After Bobbi proposed, Quori followed suit during Bobbi’s birthday celebration a few months later with close friends and family in Connecticut.
