To submit a letter to the editor, click here. Want to purchase today’s print edition? Here’s a map of single-copy locations. Sign up for our daily newsletter here CHAMPAIGN — Football coaches everywhere often present themselves as strong, capable and organized.

We sometimes forget they are people first. Illinois defensive coordinator Aaron Henry suffered real heartbreak last week. His younger sister Ashley Lee died unexpectedly last week in Fort Myers, Fla.

She was 39. She is survived by four children, ages 9, 11, 17 and 22. Henry talked about Ashley with reporters on Tuesday at the Smith Center.

“The hard part for me as her older brother is you weren’t there. That’s the hard part. I just hope she knew she was loved when she did pass,” Henry said.

“They’re doing an autopsy report on the details and how everything came about. It was sudden. It was tragic.

” Henry shared stories about their childhood and how she helped him when he was frightened. Their bedrooms were next to each other. “I would go into her bedroom and she would just comfort me,” Henry said.

“She was such a caretaker.” Henry will return to Florida on Saturday after the Illinois-Nebraska game “to lay her to rest on Sunday.” “I do find peace in knowing my sister did know Jesus Christ,” he said.

Henry is thinking about her at all times. “I can’t believe this happened,” Henry said. Henry thanked Illinois coach Bret Bielema, the coaching staff, players, athletic director Josh .