For the second week in a row, Wisconsin emerged as the state with the third highest volunteer turnout last Saturday. But the big takeaway from Hope Springs from Field PAC [ website ] volunteers in Wisconsin this week was voter response to Constituent Service Requests. “I’ve lived here for 40 years [under a Republican in the state legislature] and no one’s ever asked me if there was something to be done,” one voter told a volunteer in the WOW counties.

She told us she replied, “That’s what you get when you elect Democrats.” “Because Democrats get stuff done, don’t take stuff away.” That’s one hell of a contrast.

People have asked if the Harris-Walz ticket is going to help down-ballot races, and there ya go. Republicans are attacking Gov. Walz for getting stuff done.

Yet voters tell us every week that they expect government to be doing something. Someone is listening. Now we didn’t have as many volunteers, or knock on as many doors, this weekend.

We couldn’t knock at all in Arizona because of Heat Risk (Las Vegas either). One volunteer asked me how we were doing on their goal of a million doors knocked in Arizona, given their heat restricted conditions. And the answer is, we’ve knocked 470,521 doors in Arizona.

But we’ve identified 63,204 abortion single-issue voters in the state, collected 62,844 signatures for the abortion petition and identified another 37,558 voters who pledge to vote to guarantee Reproductive Freedom in the state’s constitut.