Sunday's glorious full moon with its distinctive and dramatic orange and red hues had Bolton Camera Club members reaching for their cameras. Known as the blue moon, it glowed red and orange last night due to smoke from wildfires travelling across the Atlantic Ocean. The picture above was taken by Bolton News Camera Club member John Hall.

Fires have been happening in North America (especially in Canada) with smoke from this travelling thousands of miles thanks to a split jet stream. Keith Rylance A jet stream is a high altitude current of air that occurs when warmer air from the south meets cooler air from the north, and is responsible for much of the UK's climate, BBC News reports. This makes the sky look more orange, BBC forecaster Grant Burleigh-Harvey says, as the smoke particles diffuse the sunlight.

Weather presenter Simon King said: "Did you see the full blue supermoon - not blue but red - last night? "The sun was also pretty eerie at sunset too. READ MORE: The 3 star signs most impacted by the blue supermoon When and how to see the blue moon in the UK tonight Marta Lazdovskaja "Smoke from North American wildfires is still sitting in the skies above the UK but clears today." Sky News meteorologist Kirsty McCabe said: "You might have noticed the skies have been rather hazy this weekend, thanks to the jet stream bringing smoke from North America (mainly from Canadian wildfires) all the way across the Atlantic to our shores.

"Luckily because the smoke particles are so high.