and period dramas go together like, well, you catch my drift. The bloke and star shines in historically-based dramas, although the former was full of fictionalized characters and the latter upset an over the “poison apple reference” as a “really serious accusation and..

. historical revision.” That reference did surface in the book as more of a question with no proof offered, but Hollywood screenwriters ran in a different direction with that fruit.

Hopefully, Murphy’s next production won’t lead into those types of distractions because more serious subject matter is afoot with . Earlier this year, Murphy signed on to star in the film and executive produce, a busy for him after the Oscar win. And again, a book shall be adapted, so let’s hop into those details now.

Plot Murphy had his eye on the 2020 Mark A. Bradley book, , ahead of his Oscar win, and , that awards week coincided with sealing the deal on acquisition rights for a Universal movie. The book documents the of a union activist and his family in Clarksville, Pennsylvania.

Joseph “Jock” Yablonski had attempted to capture the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)’s presidency and oust the corrupt Tony Boyle, who was guilty of embezzlement and assorted frauds along with being in the back pocket of Big Coal. Boyle cheated in the next election and then retaliated against Jock for daring to move against him. More from the book description: The most infamous crimes in the history of American labor unions, t.