With each person comes preference of clothing styles, one that appeals to their personality and overall senses. This is why clothing and fashion in general is a lifestyle that varies for individuals. A dress that works for one person may not necessarily work for another, hence the expression ‘this is more her/his style not mine’.

In this era of being comfortable in your own skin as an African by wearing and living African regardless of where you find yourself in the world, designers around the continent especially in Nigeria have ensured to study the variants in style preferences in a way that enables everyone to be who they are expressively through their clothing. This is what the BLK Building by Olamide Agunloye, a fashion and lifestyle expert represents when she brought clothing styles and concepts of all kinds: vintage, artistry, street wear, classy styles, formal, sporty, elegant, classic, minimalist, exotic, glamorous etc. designed by indigenous designers into one hub.

According to Agunloye, who is also the brain behind the Iconola fashion, BLK represents a balance in lifestyle for all. “The BLK concept which has about 45 different brands could be likened to Selfridges in London on the famous street of Oxford, where proven brands in the lifestyle sector stand shoulder to shoulder, showcasing their excellence. “The BLK target is 150 brands in a space where different classes and ages of people can find timeless pieces that depict not only their styles and personal.