The Blue Mountains have long been home to a thriving creative community. Writers, artists, musicians and actors, often pooling their talents to bring high calibre entertainment. / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading And theatres and theatre itself is often at the heart of this mercurial coalescence.

From the enthusiasm of amateur troupes, to the summer season delights of Sport For Jove and the wonders that await at the Blue Mountains Theatre. Now a new theatre company has emerged. Four Shadows Productions was founded in 2023 by passionate locals.

Its aim is to bring high quality professional theatre to the mountains. Artistic director Paulina Kelly and her partner, actor Daniel Mitchell, are keen to showcase both local and Sydney based theatre professionals. "Why should we have to travel into the city to see great theatre?" said Kelly.

"There is certainly room for, and I think a desire for, thought provoking, challenging, top notch theatre right here in the mountains." Why should we have to travel into the city to see great theatre? Four Shadows' first production brought together talented local playwrights in a successful short season of suspense and mayhem. Then followed Mitchell's one man show, which he performed to full houses at the Wentworth School of Arts theatre.

Speaking of his show, Mitchell said: "With over 40 years in 'the biz' I felt it was time to spill the beans." The play surprised audiences as, despite Mitchell's natural comedic talents, it became cl.