As Black Mirror prepares to air its first ever sequel as part of season 7, all eyes will be on how well it works and whether more of the show's stories could get the same treatment. But one iconic story stands above the rest in terms of its potential for a sequel, so much so that it's been spoken about for years: White Bear. The harrowing episode, which aired in 2013, follows a woman who does not remember who she is, and wakes up in a place where almost everybody is controlled by a television signal – but, in true Black Mirror fashion, it has a chilling twist at the end.

Addressing the possibility of a sequel, director Carl Tibbetts (who also helmed the only ever Black Mirror Christmas special, White Christmas ), exclusively told : "I think they've talked about it quite a lot, and I've thrown my hat in the ring if they decide to ever do another one. "I don't know if they're going to, I don't know why they haven't.

It made a slight reappearance in one called Black Museum. "Both of those episodes are concerned with crime and punishment, with guilt and all those sorts of themes that are quite prescient at the moment, I think so possibly [it could happen]. They've not approached me about it.

" Charlie Brooker's dark sci-fi series will air its first ever sequel next year, returning to USS Callister. The Star Trek-inspired USS Callister took place inside a multiplayer online game (or MMO), where its co-founder and top programmer Robert Daly (Jesse Plemons) imagines .