Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Kunal Tilak on Wednesday called for a dedicated protest ground in Pune amid escalating traffic issues in the city. Similar situation in Pune. The administration has completely failed in maintaining the roads, regulating traffic & investing in infrastructure over the last 3 years.

Constant protests taking place in the city leading to road blocks is another issue which I have seen recently. I..

. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Tilak wrote, "The administration (in Pune) has completely failed in maintaining roads, regulating traffic, and investing in infrastructure over the last three years.

Constant protests leading to roadblocks are another issue I have recently observed." "I call for a dedicated protest ground or venue where all future protests should be held, rather than at random places and times. I request @PMCPune and @CPPuneCity to either designate a spot or not grant permissions for protests, especially in central Pune, during the upcoming festive period," he added.

Tilak's post came hours after Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) aspirants protested in Pune, demanding the inclusion of 258 posts from the Agriculture Department in the MPSC exam. They also requested that the MPSC exam, scheduled for August 25, be postponed, as its date conflicts with the IBPS exam, affecting candidates appearing for both exams. #WATCH | Pune: Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) staged a protest last night d.