Overwatch 2’s support Lifeweaver is weaker than ever due to a bizarre bug affecting the amount of ammo he has in his primary weapon. Blizzard’s Overwatch 2 is a pretty big game. With over 20 unique heroes , all with particular abilities and interactions with each other, several different game modes, and a whole heap of maps, it’s no surprise that bugs can crop up from time to time.

Most of the time these issues aren’t too big of a deal, being a visual bug or some sort of other error that has a minor impact on the game and its players. But that’s not always the case, with some bugs causing game-breaking issues that result in heroes being disabled . Now a new bug has been discovered by Overwatch 2 players that leaves one of the weakest supports in the game even worse off than before.

Players discovered that Lifeweaver ’s secondary fire, Thorn Volley is just flat out lying to you. The weapon says it holds 100 ammo, with each shot dealing six damage. But players have tested this out on a 600-health Roadhog and found this not to be the case.

So in theory, without Roadhog being healed, Lifeweaver should be able to eliminate Roadhog if he dumps his entire magazine into him. However, the test shows that Roadhog lives on a tiny sliver of HP. After producing the bug players are convinced that Lifeweaver in fact only has 99 ammo, instead of the 100 listed.

Lifeweaver fires off 2 bullets at a time, each dealing 6 damage, resulting in 12 damage each shot. According to one play.