Donald Trump bizarrely said that his Democratic presidential rival Kamala Harris looks like his wife Melania Trump in his rambling interview with Elon Musk on Monday night. The former president joined the tech billionaire on X Spaces for what was billed as a game changing “conversation,” but actually ended up being a more than two-hour-long very friendly interview that was instantly beset with tech problems – not to mention questions about Trump’s apparent lisp. In the interview, Trump launched into a scathing critique of Harris calling her a “terrible” leader, before he swiftly drifted to fawning over her “beautiful” appearance.

“We need smart people, and people that have the ability to lead. She doesn’t have that ability. Can you imagine her with chairman Xi [Jinpin, President of the People’s Republic of China],” he said, speaking with a distinct lisp .

Musk, who remained agreeable throughout the two-hour interview, admitted that it “would be silly”. “She is terrible, she is terrible,” Trump doubled down. “She’s getting a free ride.

” The former president then abruptly segwayed into talking about Harris’s looks, drawing comparison between her and the former first lady . “I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today. She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live,” Trump said of Harris, referring to the latest edition of Time Magazine , which brands Harris’s campaign as “the swiftest vibe shift in modern political histo.