Quadrant Knowledge Solutions lists company as top performer MIDDLETOWN, Mass. , July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In its latest evaluation of Behavioral Biometrics and Device Intelligence vendors, leading business management consultancy Quadrant Knowledge Solutions identified BioCatch as one of its top performers, in its 2024 SPARK Matrix: Behavioral Biometrics and Device Intelligence , ranking the company as a market leader in both technological excellence and customer impact. The report stressed both the necessity and urgency of adding behavioral biometric solutions – which analyze physical behavioral patterns (mouse movements and typing speed, for example) and cognitive signals (hesitation, segmented typing, etc.

) – to every financial institution's fraud stack, as advancements in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) render cybercriminals increasingly dangerous and legacy defenses increasingly vulnerable. "Traditional Enterprise Fraud Management (EFM) ecosystems are not prepared to deal with the dizzying array of AI-supercharged threats, including impersonation scams, authorized push payment (APP) fraud , phishing attacks, identity theft, account takeover, botnet attacks, deepfakes, and more," BioCatch Chief Marketing Officer Jonathan Daly said. "Financial institutions must evolve and adapt to track and analyze the one thing machines and their cybercriminal handlers cannot fake: legitimate human behavior.

" Quadrant Knowledge Solutions based its SPARK Matrix evaluation.