Rebecca Oas (ZENIT News – Center for Family and Human Rights / Washington, 07.07.2024).

- He has faced screaming mobs, been violently assaulted, had his posts censored on social media, was described as a “far right activist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” newsletter for his advocacy to protect children from harmful gender ideology. Despite all this, “Billboard Chris” remains a calm, soft-spoken presence at rallies and protests, ready to have a conversation with friends and enemies alike. Chris Elston has traveled well beyond his home in British Columbia, wearing his signature sandwich boards with messages like “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers” and using a camera to document his interactions.

An insurance broker and father to two girls, Elston earned his nickname when he joined with other activists to put up billboards in Vancouver expressing support for the author J.K. Rowling in 2020.

Rowling faced a flood of vitriol for her comments criticizing transgenderism. Elston’s particular focus is on the issue of youth gender transition, puberty blockers, and keeping gender ideology out of schools. “I have conversations with people,” Elston writes .

“The core of my message is that our children are beautiful just as they are. No drugs or scalpels needed.” These are conversations and messages that transgender activists and their allies are determined to stop.

Elston has been physically assaulted more than 40 times, and has the.