With speculation surrounding it, the very first promo of Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan has been released which is very well trending on several social media platforms. A completely new tagline ‘Time Ka Taandav’ has been attached to Bigg Boss this season which has overjoyed and raised the enthusiasm of all the followers of this popular reality show. Salman Khan Revealing the Theme of ‘Time Ka Taandav’ In a teaser that was released by Colors TV, Salman Khan is shown in a typical explosive avatar and says, “Bigg Boss dekhenge gharwaloon ka future.

Ab hoga time ka taandav”. There are no clearer details as to how the theme would be since “time” has been mentioned or “taandav” but one can tell that this season is going to be one full of shocks, suspense, and action. Fans are looking fast forward to how such a theme will be expounded in the new season as it seeks to break the contestants at some point.

Nia Sharma: First Contestant Confirmed? Even if there hasn’t been an official announcement about this on the official site with the contestants participating in the 18th season of this popular show, it appears he is the first contestant. However, there are speculations about the welcome Islanders visit Nia Sharma. Reported by Nia is known to have signed a contract to be a cast this season, which has made her fans rejoice.

But then, neither of them has mentioned it early. If true, Nia may have to cut down her time on the reality cooking show Laughter Chefs i.