BENGALURU: Actor Darshan Thogudeepa, accused of the gruesome murder of a fan, was seen smoking in a luxurious setting inside Bengaluru jail. And now, a video footage of the actor in a video call from jail has also surfaced triggering big outrage in Karnataka. In the video call, the person uses sign language to enquire whether Darshan had food, to which the latter replies with a smile.

The video lasted for 25 seconds. The viral photo of Darshan sharing smoke with another gangster while seated on the lawn surfaced just two days back. All four of the gangsters are seen smiling while Darshan looks sideways, deftly holding cigarettes between his fingers.

Darshan is currently lodged in the Parappana Agrahara Central Jail in Bengaluru. Darshan is accused of the brutal murder of Renukaswamy, a fanboy who sent lewd messages to Darshan’s girlfriend Pavitra Gowda. His dead body was found at Sumanahalli in Bengaluru on June 9.
