Brooklyn Rivera went from queen of the house to the house’s latest victim on “Big Brother 26.” The 34-year-old business administrator’s game collapsed when Quinn Martin ratted out their five-person Pentagon alliance, resulting in Cedric Hodges’ shocking blindside . Then, Tucker Des Lauriers won Head of Household and successfully got Rivera evicted by a near-unanimous vote.

In an exclusive interview with The Post, Rivera said that she blames Martin, 25, the most for her elimination. “We had a great thing going,” she said. “We were the core of a collective group.

We were going to be safe. We could see final eight and final five, and it was going to be pretty. And we had a great plan.

And he just couldn’t believe it.” “He couldn’t believe that he could trust just us,” Rivera continued. “He had to put his hands in all kind of places, and rightfully so.

It’s ‘Big Brother.’ ” Despite Martin’s betayal, Rivera said she doesn’t have any hard feelings towards the nurse recruiter. “I respect his game a lot more because he’s doing it ‘Big Brother’ style: malicious, sneaky, devious, conspiring away,” she explained.

On the other hand, Rivera doesn’t respect the way Des Lauriers, 30, has been playing the game. “Tucker’s only game plan is just winning competitions and blowing up everybody else’s stuff and being mad that we’re all doing the same thing he’s doing,” she said. “Which, hey, it’s working for him, and the fans seem.