Morethan 450 of New Zealand’s finest barbershop singers willsoon head to Wellington to battle it out for the crown ofthe country’s best barbershop chorus or quartet at theSING Wellington Barbershop Harmony New Zealand NationalConvention at the St James Theatre between 27-29September. The stellar cast of singers, drawn from 12choruses and 20 quartets throughout the country, will becomplemented by the brilliant world-champion SignatureQuartet from the USA. Signature will headline theconvention’s Saturday night public That Signature Soundshow, which will also showcase the top three winningchoruses and quartets.

“Thecapital is New Zealand’s home of barbershop singing, withits current gold medal Vocal FX chorus just the latest in aline of choruses and quartets, including Pacific Connexion,and the renown Musical Island Boys, that have beenrecognised as among the world’s best. “So it’sfitting that we give Wellingtonian’s the opportunity tosee and experience for themselves the beauty, richness andpower of barbershop from the best in thebusiness.” No longer a solely men’s singing style,the convention and show will feature mixed choruses andquartets, a style that’s taken hold in recent years andbrought barbershop to a broader range ofaudiences.

“Repertoire has broadened too, with agreater mix than ever of songs. Everything’s on the table,from pop to traditional to cultural and sometimes comedy,barbershop today is a broad church,” saysCurrington. Contestant.