Director and actor Vijay Kumar, at the trailer launch of his upcoming film , emphasised the film’s focus on the pressing issue of drug addiction among the city’s youth. Set to hit theatres on August 9, the film promises a gritty exploration of Bengaluru’s dark world, reminiscent of his previous blockbuster, The trailer offers a glimpse of rowdyism, police brutality, and revenge, with Vijay’s performance taking centre stage. As the narrative unfolds, the film delves deeper into the harsh realities faced by the city’s youth, spotlighting the devastating impact of narcotics.

The intense action sequences and character-driven plot, coupled with Charan Raj’s gripping background score, elevate the film’s overall impact. With , Vijay hopes to recreate the magic of . This upcoming film, produced by Krishna Sarthak and Jagadeesh Gowda, showcases a fresh ensemble cast composed mainly of up-and-coming actors like Dragon Manju, and Ashwini Ambarish along with seasoned actors including Suddhi, Ramesh Indira, Gopalkrishna Deshpande, Achyuth Kumar, Girija, and Kalyani Raju, among others.

Vijay Kumar won a State Award for his first film, while I received mine only after 25 films: Shivarajkumar Shivarajkumar, accompanied by his wife Geetha Shivarajkumar, along with directors Tharun Sudhir, Guru Deshpande, and Jadeshaa K Hampi, and producer KP Sreekanth, graced the event and extended their best wishes to Vijay Kumar and the entire team. Speaking about Vijay, Shivarajkumar shared, .