Ma’ayan Weinberg's father "taught me humility, a lifelong love of learning, to appreciate the differences in people and to never write an email that you don’t want someone to read." To subscribe, click here. To submit a letter to the editor, click here.

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Sign up for our daily newsletter here Rule No. 1 of the workplace at the Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation: There shall be no unkind words spoken about others. “In Judaism, there is a term called lashon hara , which refers to negative speech or speaking ill of others,” Executive Director MA’AYAN WEINBERG says.

“We never fully know someone’s circumstances or what led to their actions. Even if something seems amiss, addressing it with positive intent and focusing on constructive solutions rather than negative remarks fosters inclusivity and builds trust. This approach is crucial for creating a strong and supportive community.

” It’s been her community for two years now, after the Urbana native and Uni High alumna moved back home to “have time with my mom before she passed.” Weinberg had spent the previous 11 years in Los Angeles, where she earned a graduate degree from Loyola Marymount, taught middle school math, helped a nonprofit build out sustainable computer science instruction for K-6 Title 1 schools and became a mom to “two incredible children.” But C.