Acclaimed actor Nayanthara , popularly known as Lady Superstar, has unveiled the trailer of her upcoming docuseries, Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale . The series gives a rare peek into her personal life and career journey. The trailer dropped on Saturday and features insights from friends, colleagues, and family members including her husband Vignesh Shivan about her life journey.

A Netflix docu-series, it will premiere on November 18—coinciding with Nayanthara's 40th birthday. Trailer gives a special glimpse of Nayanthara's grand wedding The docuseries trailer—clocking two minutes and 15 seconds—highlights Nayanthara's journey from humble beginnings to superstardom. It includes testimonies from colleagues like Rana Daggubati , and Akkineni Nagarjuna .

In the trailer, Daggubati calls his Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum co-star a "thug," while Akkineni speaks about her struggles in the beginning. The series also has unseen footage from her grand wedding with Shivan, attended by celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan , Rajinikanth, and Mani Ratnam. 'This documentary is my gift to the fans.

..' Nayanthara also expressed her excitement for the docuseries, calling it her "gift to the fans.

" She said, "Creating this film has been a true labor of love, and I'm excited for them to see this side of my world." Shivan also gushed about Nayanthara's resilience. He said, "She's faced every challenge head-on and has emerged stronger each time.

..I'm excited for her fans to see the real her—the b.