Inclusive travel has come a long way in recent years. It's almost like the travel industry has finally begun to understand more clearly that Disabled travellers are, well, travellers. And who do we have to thank for this progress? The unstoppable, stereotype-shattering champions of accessibility who, like me, are dedicated and determined to turn inaccessibility barriers into a concept as outdated as a fold-out road map.

In the first Beyond Barriers column of the year, I'm shining a well-deserved light on 2025's twenty-five most important trailblazers for the world of accessible and inclusive travel. Founder of the Inclusive Tourism charity Makingtrax Foundation , Jeremy (Jezza) Edwards is helping redefine New Zealand's reputation as the adventure capital of the world by ensuring it is accessible to all. The former mountaineering guide sustained a high-level spinal cord injury while canyoning in Switzerland in 2010.

He has since become a driving force for accessible tourism, changing his career focus to advocacy and activism. Edwards brings unflinching honesty to his motivational talks and inspires ingenuity with his product designs, empowering both tour operators and Disabled adventurers in equal measure. This year, he's set to launch Adapting Aotearoa , an initiative delivering education, resources, and practical solutions to tour operators across Aotearoa.

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Sheehy, a trailblazing Costa.