Birth: 1930 Death: 2024 Betty was born August 19, 1930 to Dr. and Mrs. James G.

Binkley in Oklahoma City. She had four siblings: Samuel, Elsie, Anna Margaret, and Frank Binkley. Betty attended Colorado Woman’s College with her niece Virginia.

Betty married Hugh Fletcher Hardin Jr. on August 25, 1951 in the First Methodist Church, Oklahoma City. They graduated Oklahoma University together and went to Dallas, TX.

Hugh attended Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. Betty worked at Baylor University Dental and Medical Hospital as a Librarian. She later accepted a position as Religious Film Librarian for the Perkins School of Theology.

Betty specialized in the review, recommendation and distribution of religious films throughout the Southwest. Hugh graduated from Perkins and then attended Union Seminary in NYC. Betty and Hugh’s first parish was at Morgan Hill Methodist Church; then Saratoga Methodist Church; and finally St.

Paul’s Episcopal Church, San Rafael, CA. They were active in the Marin Cursillo Community. In retirement, Betty and Hugh attended and became instrumental at Christ Episcopal Church in Sausalito.

They enjoyed house exchanges in England, Austria, and traveled Europe. Betty was a School Librarian with the Dixie School District from 1969-79. For 15 years Betty worked professionally as a Law Librarian.

Her career with Castle and Cooke’s Law Department included establishing a Medical Library in the Philippines. Betty later joined Lillic.