Artichokes can be a scary vegetable to cook. From its unusual appearance compared to other greens we eat to the many different preparation methods you can use to make them delicious, it's no wonder there are many mistakes you can make along the way . Thankfully, there are experts like Sarah Raven, author of " Sarah Raven's Garden Cookbook ," to help you find your footing.

Raven offers many helpful tips and tricks, not to mention recipes, for making artichokes the best they can be. They're wonderful on the grill, for example, whether whole, sliced, or just the delicious hearts. You could braise artichokes too for an immensely flavorful vegetarian main dish, or skip cooking them entirely to enjoy them raw, such as in whole artichoke salads.

You can also give them a quick pickle before dressing them . Lastly, try Raven's favorite way to enjoy them; dipping artichoke leaves in a special Angelica sauce she learned as a child. Great ways Sarah Raven suggests to enjoy artichokes Sarah Raven offers two ways and times to enjoy artichokes on the grill.

She says, "I only grill artichokes when they're very young and tender, or if it's later in the year, I'll grill just the hearts, as the artichokes usually are too big and tough to grill whole." Regardless of which you take advantage of, she offers some further cooking advice, saying to "slice them through, oil the griddle, and cook them on a hot surface for 4-5 minutes one side, and 2-3 on the other." Besides grilling, Raven also offers .