Our Experts CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise. What to consider Ingredients Every multivitamin will have nutrients, but they may also contain ingredients you'd rather avoid. Dosage Always take note of the dosage of each nutrient included in your vitamin selection.

Serving size Some vitamins have serving sizes of three or more capsules daily. Others only require one tablet each day. Form The most popular forms of vitamins are capsules, tablets and gummies.

Decide which one is best for you. Third-party certifications Extra certifications help you feel confident that the vitamin only contains what’s on the ingredient label. Health concerns Always consider your medical conditions and current medication when choosing a multivitamin.

Our Picks CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise. What to consider Ingredients Every multivitamin will have nutrients, but they may also contain ingredients you'd rather avoid. Dosage Always take note of the dosage of each nutrient included in your vitamin selection.

Serving size Some vitamins have serving sizes of three or more capsules daily. Others only require one tablet each day. Form The most popular forms of vitamins are capsules, tablets and gummies.

Decide which one is best for you. Third-party certifications Extra certifications help y.