Our Experts CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise. Our Picks CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise. Nothing is worse than being in a Zoom meeting and having your equipment let you down, either by not picking up your voice or by having poor audio quality that makes meeting company standards—as well as your own—next to impossible.

That's why it's necessary to have a decent microphone. As remote work becomes increasingly commonplace, Zoom and other platforms like Slack have become the main portals through which you interact with your colleagues, managers or reports. However, with so many of us working hybrid these days, including the staff at CNET, getting the right microphone for your meeting needs has never been more important.

The greater the microphone, the less chance of having a room of people asking you to talk louder or "say that again?" After all, poor audio can ruin a presentation before it's even started and make it difficult for colleagues to realize what you're trying to say. And we get it. While a solid internet connection and a good webcam are most likely a bigger priority for workers (remote or otherwise), that doesn't mean you should sleep on the importance of a good microphone and settle for whatever audio quality comes with your laptop or desktop.

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