Many people looking for a job do not have the luxury of choosing the kind of work they will be doing and what company they will be working for. In many cases, being able to find a job, any job, is good enough. However, if you ever find yourself with the upper hand in having a choice due to your particular circumstances such as going to the best schools, getting the right degrees, having the appropriate experience, coming from a reputable family with an extensive network, here are my thoughts on what to look for.
In looking for a long-term and highly rewarding career, you must look for a company that provides you with three important things. First is growth opportunities, second a nurturing environment and third is that the company must have competent managers and inspiring leaders. A company that provides growth opportunities for its employees must necessarily have growth opportunities for itself.
This is only possible if the company is large and profitable enough to have layers in its organizational chart, products or services in high demand, and is competitive across market segments. As the company grows and diversifies, you can ride that wave of opportunity without waiting for someone to vacate a box overhead in the organizational chart. A nurturing environment is a challenging one.
It means that you learn on the job, understand the business, and even contribute or be part of the big plan of the company. Toxic people should have already been weeded out for you before they .