Did you hear that? The cold snap. With temperatures falling and the energy crisis raging on, more of us are looking at ways to heat our homes without racking up a huge gas bill before spring rolls around. Central heating is now a luxury firmly reserved for the bitterest of nights; unless you can see your breath indoors, it’s time to whack on another layer and bury yourself under blankets while cuddling a brew (we’ll use any excuse to have another hot chocolate ).

Other effective ways to trap heat inside include using draught excluders under doors to shut icy breezes out. Thermal curtains over windows can keep temperatures cosy, while a door curtain can be used on internal entryways to help lock heat inside the room you’re in. The most efficient way to stay warm in winter is by just heating the room you’re in, rather than the entire house.

Electric heaters are ideal for this: simply switch them on and allow them to flood the room with warmth, flicking them off once you’re comfortable. Electric heaters are available in all sizes, from dinky desk buddies to keep you warm as you WFH or watch telly, to more powerful models that can nudge the mercury back up to reasonable levels in double time. If your home has an open-plan design, you’ll need something with more firepower to warm up the air quickly.

A tower heater can cascade warmth over mid- to low-levels and is an unobtrusive design that just sits in the corner. Bladeless versions operate at such a whisper you’ll b.