Our Experts CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise. Our Picks What is the best bread maker overall? While making a freshly baked loaf of bread does offer a delicious alternative to the loaves you get from the store, it can be challenging to make. However, with the best bread machines you can avoid the common mistakes made when baking bread and save yourself some time in the process.

We've outlined what you may want to ask yourself when chosing the right bread machine for you and which options outperformed the rest. The best bread maker will do it all -- churn, proof and bake -- giving you that perfect loaf of bread that you will want to keep fresh and enjoy rather than let it go stale . A bread maker can save you money too.

A decent loaf of bread now costs anywhere from $4 to $8 at the grocery store , but a quality bread machine will help you combat rising bread costs. The ingredients to make a single loaf of bread -- flour, yeast, salt, oil -- typically average under 25 cents. Since there are a ton of bread makers on the market, we've put together this list of the best bread machines in 2024.

We've tested many of the top-selling models, from high-tech options with bells and whistles in spades to cheaper, automatic bread makers that nail the basics. So, get one of these fine machines to get you going with homemade bread. Best bread machines for 2024 Convection ovens are often.