The Bengaluru police have identified Mukti Ranjan Roy as the primary suspect in the gruesome murder of Mahalakshmi, a Nepalese woman residing in Vyalikaval. Mukti, who worked alongside Mahalakshmi at a fashion factory, allegedly killed her following a heated dispute over their romantic relationship. Originally from Odisha, Mukti Ranjan had settled in the Hebbagodi area and commuted daily to a fashion store in Malleswaram, where Mahalakshmi was also employed.

Their relationship soured when Mahalakshmi began seeing another man, leading to frequent arguments. This escalating tension is believed to have culminated in her horrific murder. Bengaluru murder: Suspect from Odisha fled to West Bengal after killing woman; Phone switched off On September 1, both Mahalakshmi and Mukti were seen at work together.

However, the following day, Mahalakshmi went missing. She had intended to take a week off to visit her mother in Nelamangala and had even informed her family of her plans. Concern for her well-being grew when she did not respond to their calls, and tragically, her family later discovered her dismembered body.

Police reports indicate that Mukti fled to West Bengal shortly after the murder. Allegedly, he confessed to the crime in a phone call with his brother, urging him to leave Bengaluru as well. Upon reaching West Bengal, Mukti switched off his phone, complicating efforts to locate him.

However, investigators tracked his phone records and found multiple conversations between him .