Bengaluru man surprised his mother with iPhone 15 for Diwali. Her reaction is priceless! Bengaluru: A son surprised his mother with an iPhone for Diwali and her reaction moved the hearts of many online. The viral video garnered several comments.

They lauded the man’s thoughtfulness in the comments and called him a good son. Son surprises mother with iPhone for Diwali I almost broke into tears! so mom has been using her old Redmi phone for the past 4 years and it was living its last days..

. so, this Diwali, I decided to gift her iPhone 15..

. I always prayed for a day when I could gift my mom an iPhone. that day it today 🙂 pic. — Somrat Dutta (@duttasomrattwt) October 29, 2024 Click for more latest Viral news . Also get top headlines and latest news from India and around the world at News9.

Varsha Sara Babuji brings over 4 years of experience in digital and print media, with a focus on covering viral and offbeat news. She has a proven track record of delivering engaging content across various topics, including lifestyle and human interest stories, for reputable publications..