A Bengali actor has levelled accusation of misbehaviour against eminent Malayalam film director and chairman of the state-run Kerala Chalachitra Academy, Ranjith, spelling fresh trouble for the Pinarayi Vijayan government which is facing opposition heat on its alleged inaction over the Justice Hema Committee report. The report had revealed instances of harassment and exploitation of women in the Malayalam cinema industry, prompting calls for action against the guilty. The filmmaker has reportedly rejected Mitra's charge and said he was the "real victim" in the case.

Key LDF constituent CPI was among those seeking a probe into the allegation of Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra, who has recalled a years-old incident in the backdrop of the ripples being created by the Justice Hema Committee findings. "The person concerned (Ranjith) is a big name in Malayalam film industry and a national award winning director. I went to his residence to discuss an upcoming film project and I did not like his behaviour.

He made certain advances subtly and I felt uncomfortable while we were discussing the script," Mitra told PTI in Kolkata. He did this without her consent and she her made her disapproval very clear. "I immediately communicated my decision not to be part of the project any more, left the place and came back to Kolkata the next day," she added.

"I don't know if he has treated other female actors in the film industry in the same way. It is upto them to open up or not if they had faced s.