A professor from a reputed college in West Bengal is under investigation after allegedly conducting a mock wedding with one of his students inside a classroom. The incident has sparked widespread controversy, with both educational authorities and the local community calling for an inquiry into the matter. A lady Professor in MAKAUT is 'getting married' to her young student in the office.
pic.twitter.com/coXaVGH7s7 The event, which reportedly took place during a class session, saw the professor and the student engaging in what appeared to be a symbolic marriage ceremony.
Sources claim that the professor, identified as Dr. Subhankar Ghosh, arranged the event as part of an educational activity meant to raise awareness about traditional customs and rituals. However, the act quickly raised concerns over its appropriateness, with many questioning the boundaries of student-teacher relationships.
The incident came to light when other students in the classroom shared details of the event on social media, triggering outrage among parents, educational leaders, and social activists. Many expressed concern that the professor’s actions were inappropriate and crossed professional lines, with some questioning whether the student had consented to the public nature of the event. The college administration has since launched an official inquiry into the matter.
In a statement, the institution’s principal, Dr. Rina Roy, condemned the act, stating that the college “does not condone such beh.