West Bengal Minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Gangopadhyay engaged in a heated exchange on the Vidyasagar Bridge over the alleged honking of car horns. The video of the same has been surfaced widely on the internet. Supriyo accused the Tamluk MP of using inappropriate language against him, while Gangopadhyay countered that it was Supriyo who resorted to unparliamentary language during their confrontation on the night of January 3, 2024.

Gangopadhyay recounted that Supriyo halted his vehicle and directed abusive language at him, asserting that the horn noise originated from a car behind his, not Supriyo’s. The former Calcutta High Court judge stated that Supriyo had exited his vehicle to confront him. Supriyo, who serves as West Bengal’s Minister for Information Technology and Electronics, claimed his intention was simply to inform Gangopadhyay that his vehicle was speeding with the use of a hooter.

“But he (Gangopadhyay) cursed at me as I approached,” added the singer-turned-politician. Yesterday, MP Shri. Abhijit Ganguly was casually passing through the second Hooghly Bridge when TMC MLA Babul Supriyo stopped his car & started harassing him.

It's quite surprising to see Mr. Supriyo acting as the police now. Our MP remained calm & didnt bother answering to him.

pic.twitter.com/ha90chunkc Notably, Supriyo, who previously held a Minister of State position in the Narendra Modi administration, switched allegiance from the BJP to the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in Sep.