Sotheby’s London is set to hold its Modern and Contemporary Afri­can Art Auction taking place at its New Bond St Galleries come September 27. Using an on-live sale format the auction will fea­ture a diverse array of artworks, from significant pieces by estab­lished masters to innovative cre­ations by emerging artists. According to a statement from Sotheby’s, notable high­lights include works by Ben Enwonwu, Uche Okeke, Gerard Sekoto, Atta Kwami, J.

D Okhai Ojeikere, Toyin Ojih Odutola and Ablade Glover. “At the forefront of this sea­son’s auction are two remarkable works by renowned Nigerian modernist Ben Enwonwu, both executed on the eve of Nigeria’s independence in 1959: ‘Nigeri­an Beauty’ and ‘The Emir in Council’. Together with ‘Royal Dance, Benin’, these newly dis­covered masterpieces perfectly highlight Enwonwu’s role in championing a cultural postco­lonial rebirth and forging a new visual language that affirmed and celebrated Nigeria’s indig­enous identity.

“Also featured in the auction is Gerard Sekoto’s ‘Portrait of a Boy’. Executed shortly after the artist’s arrival in Paris, ‘Portrait of a Boy’ by South Africa’s fore­most modernist was gifted to the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in 1959 by Dr. & Mrs.

Edgar Berman of Baltimore, Maryland. One of four works by the artist in the auction, Sekoto’s work is centred on the explora­tion the human spirit through the lens of social realism, act­ing as windows int.