is the . It’s got everything we crave in a reality banger: , beautiful sights, dramatic events, , hookups, and . While I reckon it’s the best — and least contrived — reality show on our screens, there are still a whole heap of people who doubt the magic.

As a result, there are a bunch of misconceptions swirling on the internet about the show. So, to get to the bottom of what is real and what is rumour, I had a chat with and s golden girl, to clear things up. True or False: Rumours about “Oh, my God, false, false, false.

This one drives me fucking crazy because our jobs are so hard. No drama to be created,” Aesha exclaims. “I remember before I started , I would sit there and think, ‘This should really be a TV show’.

“We’re all working 16-hour shifts. We’re working on boats where we don’t see anyone from the outside world. We don’t talk to our family.

We’re so stuck in this pressure cooker of being overworked and not seeing anyone else that the drama just happens. “People have meltdowns, people fight, people sleep with each other’s boyfriends, they have love triangles or even love octagons. It’s just what happens when young, mostly single, people are stuck on boats together.

” “No, I don’t think so,” Aesha says, but does note that the production team does have to edit the content down a lot. “You might get from A to B quicker, but I think it’s still what happened. It’s not like they can make things up.

And even though you’re ge.