It’s the end of the line for season nine, which in retrospect may be called “the Ellie season.” She got so much air time just to suck the air out of everything. I wish there were a reunion so we could see her fully hash it out with Aesha and the crew, but we’ll have to settle for the aftershow.

The finale starts with a replay of Aesha confronting Ellie about overstepping. Ellie plays shocked and claims it was unintentional. Aesha thinks it’s calculated.

Ellie explains to us that she thought she needed to demonstrate leadership so Aesha would recommend her as a chief stew. It’s wild she believes she’s getting a recommendation at all after nearly being fired. The editors really rub in how bad Ellie’s night is going by intercutting her quietly cleaning up the dinner table as Aesha, the guests, and drag queens have a blast upstairs.

The party comes downstairs, and Aesha asks, “Does it take long to do lemon-drop shots?” Ellie looks horrified — she was not told anything about lemon-drop shots. But even if she misheard what Aesha said, this is not the right response. Just start making the shots! Aesha repeats what she asked and tells her not to be so defensive.

I can’t believe this all goes down in front of the guests. If I were them, I would be eating it up. It’s a rough night for Ellie.

Later, a guest asks Carrie who on the crew she would most want to sleep with. She says Joe ..

. right as Ellie enters the room. As Carrie leaves for the night, the guests e.