Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Jono, not to praise him ...

sorry, what? He’s actually still alive? Miraculously, Jono proves to be immortal and survives another week. But first, Medicane Daniel sends Aesha, Nathan, and the guests back to the boat, where they’re stuck indoors. I notice there are no welcome-back drinks ready for them, which seems indicative of how Aesha has to do everything for her team.

She single-handedly entertains the guests by improvising a wine tasting, which is really just a pretentious way of saying “drinking a lot of wine.” Tonight’s theme is merpeople, so Jono decides seafood is the move. This feels borderline cannibalistic to me.

Ariel would never eat Sebastian or Flounder, right? Although one of their merman costumes includes a set of rubber balls dangling by the ankles, so I don’t think anyone’s thinking too deeply about it. On brand as always, Aesha loves the gag. She says anyone who knows her well knows that she loves balls.

That’s a great set-up for a misdirection joke that she loves basketballs, but no, she loves her fiancé Scott’s balls. I really did not need to know this. During dinner, I’m on the edge of my seat as Jono serves tuna carpaccio to everyone, knowing full well that Jennifer doesn’t eat raw seafood.

Jennifer is insanely chill about this and even says it looks beautiful. One of the other guests asks, “Why can’t you eat it?” To which she goes, “It could kill me,” and .