BEL MOONEY: My daughter lied about going to parties and hid her sexy clothes. Should I confront her about it? By Bel Mooney Published: 12:03, 27 July 2024 | Updated: 12:03, 27 July 2024 e-mail Dear Bel, I have a problem that is affecting me profoundly, and I don’t know what to do. My daughter is at university a long way from home.

One Saturday last year she called me and ­during the conversation I asked, ‘Are you off out to a party tonight?’ She told me she never goes to ­student parties. But last month we went to move her to next term’s shared house. As she was cleaning out her ­wardrobe I saw her try to conceal a rather sexy piece of ­clothing.

When I asked about it, she told me she wears it for parties. So she’d fibbed to me about parties and clearly dresses for a good time. Since I discovered this deceit, I have been having problems eating and sleeping, wondering what else she has been lying about? She has a history of being economical with the truth over what she’s been doing, and I once caught her texting boys to come to the house at midnight.

How many times has she told us she is revising for an exam when she’s already dressed ready to go out clubbing? She has already said she isn’t coming home so much next year, as the second year is very intense . . .

I don’t buy that at all. She is moving into a house share with seven other girls, and I think she won’t be coming home so much as Friday and Saturday nights are for clubbing and who knows what el.