Ritu Kumar is an artist who is bringing the rich and diverse culture of India to America through her art, while shaping the contemporary Indian art scene one step at a time. She uses an array of tools, techniques, and processes in creating her art in a variety of mediums, ranging Oil, Acrylic, Watercolors, Resins, on Canvas, wood or mirror giving diverse perspectives, a new meaning through both conventional & unconventional treatment. Here's an excerpt of an exclusive interaction with her.

Do you feel being an artist is more challenging than having a regular job? Ritu: The last time I felt that way was during a particularly challenging commission where the client was very demanding and critical. It made me question if the stress was worth it. However, when I see my husband and others around me, tied to a schedule and hear their stories, I feel so lucky.

I am doing what I am passionate about, working on my own schedule, and every opportunity to create new artwork comes with excitement. The icing on the cake is when I get appreciation from buyers, friends, and family. In these moments, the idea of a regular job evaporates.

Tell us more about your artistic journey. Ritu: I am a self-trained artist, born and raised in India. I began painting around the age of 10, participating in intra and inter-school competitions where I gained recognition.

The support from my family and these early successes fueled my passion for painting. However, the pressures of higher education took preced.