share 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice , the eagerly awaited sequel to Tim Burton’s 1988 horror-comedy, has made a spectacular debut, smashing box office records over its opening weekend. Directed again by Tim Burton and featuring original stars Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O’Hara — alongside new additions like Jenna Ortega, Willem Dafoe, and Monica Bellucci — the film opened to an impressive US$110 million at the North American box office. This marks it as the third-largest opening of 2024.

Internationally, the film added US$35 million, bringing its global opening total to US$145 million , as reported by Deadline . With a production budget of US$100 million, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice needs to surpass US$250 million to turn a profit, a goal it is quickly approaching. The film has not only revived cherished characters but also introduced them to a new generation, blending Burton’s signature spooky aesthetic with contemporary cinema’s technological advancements.

The film’s success extended globally, claiming the number one spot in 40 overseas markets, including the UK, Mexico, and Australia, with pending releases in France, Germany, and Japan. Notably, it performed exceptionally well in Latin America, aligning with the openings of other major releases like Wonka and recording milestones for Burton’s films in the region. In the UK alone, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice grossed US$9.

6 million, capturing 73% of the top five films’ market share, with Mex.