A beauty queen teacher sparked debate over ‘My parents never touched my money!’ statement. Recently, a debate has sparked about parents treating their children as a future investment, expecting them to support their parents financially later in life. This issue gained attention with Olympic gold medalist Carlos Yulo’s revelation that his mother, Angelica, accessed his prize money from the 2022 World Championships without informing him.

Angelica later apologized, shifting the focus from celebrating Carlos’s success to addressing this family matter. Beauty queen and teacher Sheryl Jane O. Taguiam-Selda shared her own positive experience, which resonated with many.

Sheryl Jane posted about how her parents never interfered with the money she earned from beauty pageants, even though they initially covered her expenses for these contests. For example, Sheryl Jane won P100,000 in the Bb. Caloocan 2010 pageant.

Her parents never touched this money and encouraged her to deposit it in her own bank account. She chose to donate part of it to a church project and gave some to her mother while saving the rest for future pageants. Selda appreciated her parents’ support and praised their non-toxic approach to parenting.

Sheryl Jane’s post touches many hearts, emphasizing a contrast between supportive and toxic family dynamics. She pointed out that some families view their children as a retirement plan, which can place unfair pressure on them. Many shared their own experiences or .