Moving house or buying an investment property can be a stressful process. For instance, deciding the best location is one of the many big dilemmas. However, to help you decide on the ideal location, the Daily Mail has come up with a list of the UK's best up-and-coming villages to invest in, right now, where house prices are low, "but not for much longer".

Looking west from the Ridgeway near Ogbourne St George, #Wiltshire , around 11 minutes after sunset this evening. pic.twitter.

com/oeoSZR08r3 Introducing the list, the news outlet said: "The property spotlight is firmly fixed on villages right now, both as desirable locations to live and as possible investment hotspots. "But with property prices in the most desirable locations already sky high, we launched a hunt for the hidden gem villages where prices are currently low - but are tipped to be the next hotspot." (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.

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