Beautiful weather in the South The temperature could reach 15 degrees Celcius today in the South and the West.ður Unnar Ragnarsson Today there is a prospect of a northerly breeze in the country, but a stronger wind in the east.

A little rain will be in the northeast and cool in those areas. Generally, it will be clear skies and beautiful weather in the South and West with a temperature of 15 degrees Celcius at the best. This is according to the reflections of a meteorologist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Tomorrow, forecasts assume that a depression will move to the east of the south of the country. The main area of ​​the depression will reach the southern part of the country, and it will therefore rain. In other parts of the country it will be cloudy and drops can be expected now and then, especially during the day.

On the south coast, there is a slight easterly wind line, which can be dangerous for the vehicles that are most sensitive to wind. The temperature will be 6 to 12 degrees C..