SURREY, B.C. — New Democrat Leader David Eby kicked off his British Columbia election campaign a day early on Friday, pointing the party's campaign bus straight to the Metro Vancouver city of Surrey, where both the New Democrats and B.

C. Conservatives are expected to spend much time in the key battleground. The fixed election date of Oct.

19 means the campaign doesn't officially start until Saturday. About 75 supporters greeted Eby as he stopped at a family corn and onion farm just off Highway 10, where a barbecue was underway. “It is wonderful to be here with you in Surrey, with all these families, with my family here,” he said.

“I’m so excited to be starting the campaign right here in the beautiful City of Surrey.” Eby said he will be “laser focused” on issues of priority for people, including affordable housing and keeping rates low for car insurance, electricity and child care. He said he started his campaign in Surrey because the city represents the challenges facing the province, including a growing population, service pressures, housing costs and affordability overall.

“In many ways Surrey is the epicentre of the challenges we face," said Eby. Eby boarded the bus on Friday in downtown Vancouver with his infant daughter, Gwen, in a baby carrier, accompanied by his wife, Dr. Cailey Lynch and their two other children.

His NDP-orange campaign bus is covered in photos of people, with Eby standing in the centre, along with slogans that say, "action for you,.